Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

The Meaning of Caring and Sharing

The holy Ramadhan 1438H has gone. (May Allah gives us the same chance to meet Ramadhan Next year, Aamiin).
The best month to pray and to do all kindness with multiple benefits was leaving us.
The best lesson I got this year were about caring and sharing.
Caring for poor people and sharing with the people who need a help.
What we have is theirs also actually.
So, we should put a half of our sustenance to them.
On the other hand,
By a long time, Capitalism had taught us to save and keep our money, then we would be rich.
By that, sometimes we prefer to keep the money than give to the poor people even though we have a lot.
And our mind was only thinking about how to enrich ourselves.
But, There is a contradiction about managing our things and money.
In Islam study, Allah commanded us by Qur’an to give and share our money (stuff/things) or anything we had, so not only some people can feel a bliss but also the other people who have nothing particularly.
We will get an incredible feedback we never expect before if we do this sincerely.
And also we would be truly rich.

So, which one will we do?

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