Selasa, 14 Februari 2017

The Spirit of Bhinneka


More than 17.000 islands, 250 millions people, 1300 tribes, 5 religions, 700 languages and a thousand cultures remarkably describes that Indonesia is one of the biggest countries in the world. Having various cultures can be an advantage for a nation, but it is possible to be a disadvantage if people in there can’t respect the difference one another. 

I am an Indonesian and so proud of being the people of Indonesia. Feeling the differences and varieties which have become the identity of Indonesia has made me more grateful. My blood divided by two cultures, and two traditions –Java and Gorontalo- always teaches me to believe that the differences can be united and beautiful.

All along of my life, I met many friends having the different ethnic groups and religion with me. I am a muslim, and have a good relation with Christians, Buddhists and Hindu people. The experience was so amazing, moreover I spent my time mostly with Makassar, Bugis, Toraja and Tionghoa people, because I lived in south Celebes since I was a kid. As long as that time, I never got bad treatment from the others -the native people there - about the culture. Also, never watching occasion which showed disrespectful behavior between the minority and majority by my own self in my socialization. 

Even though we can’t disprove that in every difference occurred will give the challenge and problems to us to face. In the real moment, occasionally a number of Indonesians still don’t understand yet how to act and tolerate wisely with the thing which is different with them and they disagree with the other people.  But, still exist until the number appointing 71 years as a one nation today has proved that we have successfully answered most of the challenges. 

We can’t resist and must admit that Indonesia built by our heroes from a whole of nation many years ago contains of various and a lot of cultures and differences. According to the history, it’s easy for us properly to accept the difference among us by convincing Indonesia would never be Indonesia even if losing just one ethnic/tribe of us. Because nobody is perfect, so that we need the others to complete us. That’s why our founding father created a motto ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which means unity in diversity as our guidance to develop our nation with the spirit of togetherness. 

This nation will never be great if its people can’t still appreciate the difference among us such us the others’ ethnic, language, tradition, and definitely religion. Don’t want to be involved in every situation such as politic issue and self or group-interest which has a bad purpose and bad effect to destroy our harmony in national society.
We should assume the difference we had as our positive opportunity to soar aloft as a big nation. We have to see our variety as the precious asset we must watch over. We must make our diversity become our advantages for us to live in peace. And we must implement the true spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as well as what our founding father think and hope to us.

Kemerdekaaan adalah hasil dari segenap perjuangan rakyat. Maka itu pula menjadi pikiran Bapak, negara Republik Indonesia ini bukan milik satu golongan, bukan milik sesuatu agama, bukan milik sesuatu suku, bukan milik sesuatu golongan adat-istiadat, tetapi milik kita semua dari Sabang sampai ke Merauke! Perjuangan untuk merebut kemerdekaan ini dijalankan oleh semua bangsa Indonesia.

Alat perekat batin yang utama bagi bangsa Indonesia adalah Pancasila. Ingat, kita ini bukan dari satu suku bangsa, bukan dari satu suku adat istiadat. Ingat, kita bukan dari satu agama. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, berbeda-beda tetapi satu jua, demikianlah tertulis di lambang Negara kita. Ingat, kita ini ‘Bhinneka’, dan untuk mempersatukan bangsa yang berbeda-beda itu diperlukan satu ‘semen batin’ yang dapat menyemen seluruh bangsa Indonesia yang beraneka warna itu, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari Miangas sampai ke Numodale, adalah Pancasila.
-Ir. Soekarno-

So let’s make all of differences become a beauty and unity for our Indonesia.

May God blesses Indonesia! 


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