Rabu, 16 November 2016

The Sense of Art


Talking about “desire”, everyone must be having their own special thing to do, it is usually called as a hobby but some people call it in another word as a passion. The passion is not actually created but it comes purely from its subject. People have different hobbies, because there are so many kind of interesting activities that people can do such as art, sports, reading, literature, cooking, even sleeping, and etcetera. Now, I will not give my opinion for all examples of passion but I will explain what I know about the first one, art.

A number of people usually do not realize that all things surrounding them are art, art cannot be separated from our life. Everywhere and every time we will meet art. Firstly, In the early morning, we will be woken up by the beautiful sound of Adzan and then we open the window, directly, we can see one of the best creations which is made by God, the sun. After that, eating our mother’s delicious breakfast before going to work has become our habit to start our day. There are art effects there making anything better. Those are what I mean about art in a simple form.  

As people commonly know, art is only about music, drawing, dancing, making a statue, acting on the stage or something like that. They think that only an artist or an art worker who can do the things about art, and what they do is not the art if  they do not act or create what an artist does. But, actually art is universal and has no limit. Everyone cannot do good working if they do not have a sense of art. You can make yours useful to help your work, because everybody has it. Managing the time to study, to work, and to play appropriately are a part of art. Leading the team, setting the room, and making some strategies for marketing cannot be success without art sense.

The other sides, if we improve our knowledge or skills in the more specific part of art like making some arranged noise (music), creating several beautiful portrayals or launching a nice movie, we will get more advantages and more enjoyments. Usually, people spending their time to make some creations or to do something about art are more creative than people who do not. Moreover if we start doing it when we were a kid. So then, we can use our creativity on every activity impressively.

Other advantages which we will get if we have a passion in art are we can make some entertainments which will be felt and will be enjoyed by not only us but people who watch us also. It will be some pleasure and a privilege. Some people recommend the others to try to play the music, because it can make us stay young. I do agree with it. People never feel bored to play music and neither do i. Another creation as well as astonishing portrayal is good to be enjoyed too. And there are still many kinds of creations of art that we can make and enjoy together. One of interesting things about the art is we can share our ideas or our thoughts and describe about everything that we think of with art in different way and more impressively.  

Lastly, I just want to say that all of us can do everything about art. Start from a simple thing to a more specific thing. Everything that we do is art and art cannot be separated with us. Can you guys imagine our life without art? It will be empty.

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